Update Mozilla Firefox 5.0

Mozilla Firefox 5.0

Pada hari Selasa kemarin, tanggal 21 Juni 2011, telah keluar update terbaru dari browser buatan Mozilla, yaitu Mozilla Firefox 5.0. Update ini tersedia untuk platform Windows, Linux, Mac, dan Android. Ini adalah update pertama untuk rilis cepat siklus pengembangan tiga bulan baru yang dimiliki Firefox.

Fitur-fitur tambahan apa saja yang ada pada versi terbaru ini :

Kalau ingin tahu daftar perbaikan yang lengkap bisa dilihat disini.

Bagaimana cara meng-update versi terbaru dari Mozilla Firefox 5.0 ini? Continue reading Update Mozilla Firefox 5.0

Happy 6th birthday, Firefox!

Happy 6th Birthday, Firefox…

Firefox celebrates its sixth birthday today, with Firefox’s 1.0 having been released exactly on this date, November 9th 2004.

On that day, Firefox made the Web more secure, faster, standards-compliant — and, most importantly, it made the Web open.

In 6 years, it has become one of the most important open source projects – from giving users the world over a safe, secure and stable browsing experience to ensuring wider adoption of common web standards through increased market share.

Before Firefox there was only Internet Explorer and Netscape — a war that had no winners and many scrolling marquee losers. Firefox changed everything with its radically different, ‘build a better browser and they will come’ approach. And today, with some 30% of the market and the richest feature set of any browser, that approach has paid off.

via DownloadSquad and OMG! Ubuntu!

Update Firefox 3.6.6

Belum ada satu minggu, Mozilla sudah mengeluarkan update terbaru untuk browser andalan mereka, Firefox. Sebelumnya, pada tanggal 22 Juni 2010, Mozilla mengeluarkan update Firefox 3.6.4, dan hari ini Mozilla sudah mengeluarkan update yang baru.

Kenapa Mozilla mengeluarkan update dalam range waktu yang dekat? Dikutip dari blog mereka, dalam update sekarang, para developer menambahkan waktu tunggu bagi Firefox sebelum menonaktifkan plugin yang crash. Fitur ini sudah ada di update 3.6.4, yaitu crash protection dengan mengisolasi plugin yang crash tersebut, seperti yang dilakukan Google Chrome.

The crash protection feature, first introduced in Firefox 3.6.4, protects Windows and Linux users from crashes and freezes caused by third party plugins such as Flash and Silverlight. When a plugin crashes, users can reload the Web page to restart the plugin and continue browsing. When a plugin freezes, making the whole browser unresponsive, Firefox 3.6.4 terminates the unresponsive plugin after waiting 10 seconds. These changes were tested with a beta audience of close to one million users.

Following the release of Firefox 3.6.4 we heard from some users, mainly those using older computers, that they sometimes expect longer periods of non-responsiveness from plugins, especially with games. For these users the default timeout of 10 seconds was too short. To address this, we increased the amount of time Firefox waits for a plugin to respond before terminating it from 10 to 45 seconds. This change has been made in Firefox 3.6.6, which was released today as an automatic update for all users. Source [ here ]

Segera update browser kesayangan anda, bisa disini atau disini.

Update Firefox 3.6.4

Firefox 3.6.4 dirilis 22 Juni 2010. Apa saja yang baru di Firefox 3.6.4 ini?

Firefox 3.6.4 menyediakan browsing tidak terganggu untuk pengguna Windows dan Linux ketika ada crash di Adobe Flash, Apple Quicktime atau plugin Microsoft Silverlight.

Jika sebuah plugin crash atau macet, tidak akan mempengaruhi sisa Firefox. Anda akan dapat kembali halaman tersebut untuk me-restart plugin dan coba lagi.

Firefox 3.6.4 juga memperbaiki masalah-masalah berikut ini yang ditemukan di versi Firefox 3.6:

* Diperbaiki beberapa masalah keamanan.
* Diperbaiki beberapa masalah stabilitas.

Fixed in Firefox 3.6.4

MFSA 2010-33 User tracking across sites using Math.random()
MFSA 2010-32 Content-Disposition: attachment ignored if Content-Type: multipart also present
MFSA 2010-31 focus() behavior can be used to inject or steal keystrokes
MFSA 2010-30 Integer Overflow in XSLT Node Sorting
MFSA 2010-29 Heap buffer overflow in nsGenericDOMDataNode::SetTextInternal
MFSA 2010-28 Freed object reuse across plugin instances
MFSA 2010-26 Crashes with evidence of memory corruption (rv:

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